Running Springs will be honoring our teachers and staff May 6-10 for Teacher Appreciation Week. This year’s theme will be FIESTA! Please visit our Teacher Appreciation Week page for everything you need to know! And watch for emails from your child’s room parent.

Order your yearbook! Once again TreeRing will be taking our yearbook orders. The books come with 2 fully customizable pages! Click the banner above to place your order. Also, we need your pictures for the yearbook! Please visit our yearbook page to find out more about submitting photos to potentiall... read more

Have you heard about the Running Springs Kindness Crew? Every RS scholar is welcome to join! Here’s how it works: 1. Students must perform 3 acts of kindness in the calendar month. 2. The list of acts should be submitted using the form on our website found here. If you have photos, please send... read more

Sign up now for the 2023-2024 PTA News & Info mailing list! If you’ve signed up in the past, you’ll have to do it again. We start each year with a new list. We’ll send our monthly news updates and important information you need directly to your inbox. Click on the “Sign U... read more

If you’re a Ralphs shopper, please consider signing up for Ralphs Community Contributions! Signing up is free and a percentage of each purchase you make at Ralphs will be given to Running Springs PTA! It’s easy to sign up. Here’s how to do it: Go to Sign in. (If you don’t have a ... read more

Visit us over on our Facebook page to check our our Uniform Exchange! Visit this link and scroll through the comments! If you want to sell or give away something, go ahead and list your items in the comments. If you see something you want, send a message to the owner. Just make sure you […]